nike + localization

As the Global Director of Experience Design of Nike+ Running, Michael Orenstein is an athlete, entrepreneur, humanist, and strategist that aims to create unforgettable running experiences for everyone. Nike tries to optimize every aspect of the Nike+ Running by enhancing pre-run to post-run experience through the design localization.perspective. He explains how Nike designs through a global lens and translates insights into different business markets.

the running experience

The Nike+ Running experience has changed and improved the experience around running through a user experience design perspective. Michael speaks to how this perspective has made the app successful.

"At a company like Nike, storytelling is integral to everything we do. UX and visual design is a great way to take a really interesting idea and make it real for a lot of people in a way that becomes really visceral and easy to react to."
"I think as a designer you always hope that your products create this indispensable space in someone's life that they’re so emotionally connected to, not because they have to be but because they believe in it."
This interview was conducted by: Maheen Sohail + Venus Wan