r/ga in portland

Ben Williams, Executive Creative Director at R/GA Portland, speaks about the agency, and the creativity that surrounds him. He shares what it is like working with the culture and lifestyle of Portland, and collaborating with the nearby Nike Headquarters.

nike+ fuelband

A pivotal project for R/GA, the Nike Fuel Band project shaped the spectrum of the creative team and pushed their thinking. The execution of turning user data into something fun and engaging, the project encapsulates the ethos of Nike with user-designed services.

revealing the hidden

There is an approach when working and collaborating with Nike and a process of defining what needs to be solved. Giving true value with service to a user is not giving them what they already know, but what is hidden. Revealing the hidden provides true service and value for the consumer.

the future for nike

What does the future hold for Nike and creative agencies like R/GA? For R/GA it is about understanding the user by providing the value and services they truly need. For Nike, a stronger membership model, and tailored experiences for users.

r/ga: revealing the hidden (3/4)

italia 2016
up next:

the future for nike


we also suggest:
"I think once you stop learning it's time to look for something else to do."
"When you’re telling somebody that something they already know, it’s not much of a value. When you’re actually revealing something that they don’t know, or telling them something that they didn’t know otherwise, it’s a true value."
"I think true service is not necessarily developing things that are new but is more helping them do what they’re already doing in an easier, faster, better way."
This interview was conducted by: Haley Clarke + Nick Doering