graphic design in milan

Walter Molteni and Luisa Milani, founders of creative consultancy, La Tigre, discuss their infographic and illustration work for magazines and newspapers. The duo specializes in visual design solutions and data visualization, believing that beauty and timeless ideas tell unique stories.

the branding of cinema beltrade

Milani and Molteni tell the story of how they approached their favourite cinema in Milan, Cinema Beltrade, and offered to redesign the brand identity. Their design process began with the help of their interpretation of reality through vintage theatre colours and themes, and now the new brand can be applied with the use of playful typography and graphic design.

balancing history + the future

A discussion around the brand identity for Italianism - an event about visual culture by Italians. The simple, yet important, idea of taking a symbol of Italy and putting it into a contemporary language to allow for the balancing of history and the future.

la tigre: graphic design in milan (1/3)

italia 2016
up next:

the branding of cinema beltrade


we also suggest:
"My mom thinks my work is like pushing a button. I think it’s digital romantic."
"In the past, someone said that design, graphic design, communication, should tell a fake story. A very nice story, but sometimes a fake story. We want to tell real stories in a nice way."
"Ideas are more powerful than beauty."
This interview was conducted by: Ty Husband + Amanda Poh